Hi, my name is David, nice to meet you!

I am a psychologist, trainer, and certified cognitive-behavioral psychotherapist. In the poker community, I am known as „whys0serious.” Since 2016, I have been offering individual sessions to poker players, collaborating with poker schools, creating courses, and regularly conducting online training on mental health prevention, and sports psychology, and focused on solving specific psychological issues (such as managing stress, anger, procrastination, or perfectionism).

In addition to specializing in mental games, I run a therapy practice where I treat clinical disorders. I provide individual psychotherapy for adults suffering from mood disorders, anxiety disorders, sleep disorders, and those struggling with addiction. I work within the cognitive-behavioral framework, incorporating elements of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), and mindfulness-based techniques.

I regularly undergo supervision in my work and continuously expand my knowledge. I value a science-based approach and always adhere to high ethical standards. In the therapeutic relationship, I follow the principle of collaborative empiricism.

I am passionate about cycling, coffee, and good literature. I am an aspiring stoic and constantly work on my character following Stoic philosophy. My most important values are family, curiosity, learning, self-improvement, and freedom.

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